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Influence Masterclass
Welcome to the Influence Masterclass!
Getting Started Instructions
Welcome: What you will learn and what to expect from the Influence Masterclass (2:41)
About your instructor and course logistics (4:07)
Module 1: Gaining Power When You Don't Have Formal Authority
Module 1 Objectives
Module 1 Workbook
What is Influence and why is it so important? (3:50)
The role of emotions in influence (5:45)
Tool: 5 Barriers to Influence (5:28)
Masculine and Feminine Leadership Traits (3:23)
Is power good or bad? (2:16)
New Concept: Hard and Soft Power
How can you build more powerful networks? (3:29)
Tool: Aristotle's Rhetoric Triangle (2:58)
Module 1 Homework
Module 1 Summary (1:44)
Module 2: Everyone is Different. How Will You Influence Them?
Module 2 Objectives
Module 2 Workbook
Self-awareness: How do others see your versus how you see yourself? (2:32)
Setting goals that are aligned with your organization (5:18)
Power, Hierarchy, and Where You Fit In (4:57)
What drives human behavior? (5:52)
Bonus: DISC Framework for understanding different personalities at work (11:34)
Six Channels of Influence (12:27)
Why you can't ignore organizational politics (3:01)
Understanding Credibility Part 1: Exercise (2:02)
Understanding Credibility Part 2: The two things people judge you by when they first meet you (4:07)
Module 2 Homework: Credibility Video
Module 2: Additional readings and materials
Bonus video: how to establish credibility when there's bias against you? (3:47)
Module 2 Summary (2:27)
Module 3: Case Study - Rolling Out a Program in a Complex Organization
Module 3 Objectives
Module 3: Study Guide Workbook
Read case study: Anna Influencing in a Complex Organization
Tool: Stakeholder Mapping - How to identify and prioritize your stakeholders? (9:57)
How can Third Parties help your influence strategy? (4:34)
#1 Rule of Influence - WIIFT (1:57)
How to manage perceptions (the pictures in their head)? (3:40)
Tool: 5 WHYs to Figure Out People's Perceptions (2:16)
Six triggers for building relationships with others (5:28)
Tool: Stakeholder Analysis - Tailor Your Approach to Different Stakeholders (7:34)
Module 3 Homework - Apply Stakeholder Mapping to Your Work Situation
Module 3: Case Outcomes - Anna's Approach
Module 3 Summary (1:40)
Module 4: How to Build Convincing Arguments and Sell Your Projects
Module 4 Objectives
Module 4: Study Guide Workbook
Structuring an influence strategy requires plugging into the big picture (3:31)
How does your project fit into the org's priorities? (3:45)
Tool: Benchmarking - What is the competition doing? (5:43)
What to consider before pitching an important project (5:02)
How to structure your message? (5:54)
Tool: Three Elements of Storytelling (7:06)
You don't need to influence on your own: how to build your coalition of supporters? (3:12)
How to use body language to signal power and confidence? (6:01)
Module 4 Homework: Context Analysis
Bonus 1: How to Deal with Bullies? (4:38)
Bonus Material 2: Dress to Impress (Or Not) (8:42)
Module 4: Additional Materials
Module 4 Summary (1:46)
Course Wrap Up
Course Wrap Up and Reading Recommendations (7:43)
Ways to stay in touch (0:59)
Live Q&A
Live Q&A: April 23, 2019 (60:57)
How can you build more powerful networks?
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